Second Generation SMPS Evaluation Board for DSP
January 28, 2011
Intusoft'sSolar2TiM Dual Buck-Boost, Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) evaluation board isused for evaluating DSP simulation and design. Solar2TiM is set up for a 12V dc output at a current rating of up to 6A,with input ranging from 20 - 60V. Running as a solar-panel battery charger from two 205W panels, Solar2'sinput can connect to a 48V battery, with its output at 10V. The configurationis connected to the low side of the solar panel where it supplies 5.2A. Using a48V system allows compliance with the US national electric code standard forlow voltage devices. This eliminates the requirement for fencing groundinstallations.
The board is used as part of the "DSP Designer" software and firmware optionwith Intusoft's ICAP/4 analog and mixed-signal simulation tool suite. DSP Designer is an advanced integrateddevelopment system that translates the world of simulation from analog todigital, for digital signal processing (DSP), and provides real-time hardwareequivalents to SPICE simulation AC, DC and Transient analysis results. The newSolar2TiM board provides enhanced operation over its Solar1 predecessor, andworks with direct plug in to Texas Instruments and Microchip DSPevaluation systems.
Both input and output voltages for Soar2TiMcan go as high as 60V dc with an input current up to 2A, and output current upto 6A. EMI filtering complies with the CISPR16 EU specification for solar panelnoise. Extra test circuitry is providedwith Intusoft's DSP Designer software to test for solar insolence (sunlight),so that the charger can be programmed to automatically power down when it isdark. Intusoft provides a test circuit schematic, parts list and equipmentrequirements for a solar panelsimulation.
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