Slideshow: 25 CEOs Who Started as Engineers
April 2, 2014
For decades, the corporate path to the chief executive's office has often passed through engineering. Automotive, computer, electronics, and oil companies have frequently drawn their leaders from the engineering ranks.
Today, the trend continues, and it reaches beyond technology companies. McDonald's Corp., for example, is now led by an engineer. So is Bank of America. According to a 2011 study conducted by consulting firm Spencer Stuart, approximately one third of the top executives in S&P 500 companies were educated as engineers. The same study revealed that only 11% of CEOs received undergraduate degrees in business administration.
We did a little digging and found engineering background information on CEOs of top companies. From GM and Ford to McDonald's and ExxonMobil, we present a few of the corporate world's highest-ranking engineers.
Click on the photo of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella below to start the slideshow and to see who else made this impressive list.
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