Cyberpage 8515Cyberpage 8515
July 2, 2001

Register now for the SupplyChainLinkExpo
Design News and the Cahners Supply Chain/OEM Group are hosting a two-day on-line conference and tradeshow, October 17-18. During this FREE event, enjoy all the benefits of attending an industry tradeshow, right from your desktop-seminars, product information, networking-everything you'd find at a traditional conference or tradeshow-but on the Web. Keynote speakers are Thomas Stall-kamp, CEO of MSX International and former president of Chrysler Corp.; and James McNerney, CEO of 3M Corp. Register today and qualify to win prizes: a laptop, digital cameras, and cash! Check it out at
Get Smart ( lets you get smart on-line. The site has established alliances with several engineering professional societies, including Society of Women Engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers, and American Consulting Engineers. You can download a variety of courses, such as "Advanced Internet Skills for Engineering Professionals," "Ethical Decision-Making for Engineers," and "Legal Impacts of Technology on Engineering Practice." You can purchase study materials or in some cases take short Internet or multimedia courses.
The National Engineering Education Delivery System, or NEEDS, is a bonanza of information for engineers and engineering students. The Mechanical Dissection and Integrated Multimedia Case Studies was full of interesting threads including materials, function, design alternatives, human factors, and manufacturing, with dissections of drills, hair dryers, bicycles, and more. Check them out at
Good Times
The American Society for Engineering Education has a great listing of engineering resources on-line, links to publications and conferences, and international engineering information. There's also a comprehensive section on life-long learning for the more "mature" engineer. Check it out at .
Outer Limits
Just what do engineers earn? Abbot, Langer & Associates, Inc. has a comprehensive Salary and Benefits Survey section on their website at You can see the compensation of industrial engineers, electrical and electronic engineers, professional engineers, and consulting engineers.
Green Acres
We found a new site listing tons of engineering positions-Engineering Central at You can submit a resume, search the ads, even submit a job project. There are also comprehensive engineering links as well as links to engineering software.
Need a little extra cash or want to take on an interesting project? Then check out as a resource for on/off-site moonlighting projects. Post your resume for employers to review, search for projects that match your skills, wait for an e-mail alert when someone expresses interest. Take a few minutes to fill out their profile with skills, experience, a self-evaluation, education, and availability. Then pick and choose the jobs you want.
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