Micro Innovations’ Battery-Free Mouse
April 7, 2008
Micro Innovations, a company that imports and distributes computer accessories, introduced an environmentally friendly product line that includes surge protectors, a battery-free mouse and a low-power keyboard/mouse combo. The new surge protectors are designed to trim electricity waste. According to Micro Innovations President Jesse Grindeland, up to 75 percent of a computer's electrical consumption comes via the surge protector while the computer is off. "The only way to cut power is to unplug the appliance and who will remember to do that?" says Grindeland. The new surge protector from Micro Innovations only comes on when power is required.
The battery-free mouse receives enough electromagnetic energy from the mouse pad to power the mouse. The company also rolled out a line of accessories for laptops that conserve energy and thus extend the laptop's battery life.
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