Servomotor chipsetServomotor chipset
February 16, 1998
1 Min Read
The MC1401A version 2.3 advanced multi-axis servomotor chipset features electronic gearing capability and can control up to four dc motors simultaneously. The user-specified gear ratio can range from 1 to 16,384 in negative and positive directions with a resolution of 32 bits. This feature gives users the flexibility to change the gear ratio on-the-fly. A "master" input axis drives the servoed "slave" axis after going through a programmable gear ratio. Two master/slave pairs can be created on the 4-axis chipset; axis 3 geared to axis 1, and axis 4 geared to axis 2.
Performance Motion Devices Inc., 12 Waltham St., Lexington, MA 02173, FAX (781) 674-9861.
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