Smaller, Lighter Multi-Orifice RestrictorSmaller, Lighter Multi-Orifice Restrictor
DN Staff
October 14, 2010
1 Min Read

The new 156 Lee Bender Jet is aminiature, lightweight restrictor that incorporates multiple orifices in seriesto lower fluid velocities and reduce the possibility of cavitation. Weighingonly 1.1 gm, this multi-orifice restrictor offers a 21 percent weight savingsover the 187 Bender Jet and is 17 percent smaller in diameter, resulting in acorresponding reduction in installation boss size and weight.
Designed to meet the requirements of 5,000 psi systems, the 156 Bender Jet isoffered in eight standard Lohm rates, ranging from 1,900 to 9,500 Lohms, and isprotected with two integral safety screens for bidirectional flow capability.
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