DIY Budget Folding Sim Driving RigDIY Budget Folding Sim Driving Rig
For less than $50, a home-brew driving sim rig that won't dominate your family room while you're tearing up the track on your videogame console.

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No matter the course of the pandemic, winter is coming, so we’ll be back to indoor activities for a while no matter what. Driving games and racing simulations have gained in popularity recently, and we’ve had the opportunity to test the Logitech G920 Driving Force force-feedback steering wheel and pedals for the PC and Microsoft Xbox. Logitech also makes the Sony Playstation-compatible model G29. Both units are very similar and list for $399.99. We can't do much about the cost of the steering wheel and pedals, but we do have a discount solution for the sim rig that you'll mount them on.
With the Xbox connected to the big-screen TV in the family room, there is no desk to mount the steering wheel. This made it impossible to test the G920 and left us using the Xbox hand controller for Forza Horizon 4.
Our solution was to create the foundation of a sim rig for the G920, which works perfectly when paired with a chair dragged from the kitchen table. And unlike some of the amazing sim rigs favored by pro drivers we spotlighted previously, this easy do-it-yourself project is very inexpensive. That is especially true if you have any accumulated junk, er, important project materials leftover from previous work that you can apply to this project.
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