Multi-Output DC-DC Backlight LED Drivers

DN Staff

April 13, 2011

1 Min Read
Multi-Output DC-DC Backlight LED Drivers

TDK-Lambda's second generation ALD6 seriesof multi-output dc-dc backlight LED drivers are for LCD displays. Each ALD6device can be used to backlight LEDs arranged in 1, 2, 3 or 6 stringconfigurations. The drivers feature wide-range dimming controls with resistive,analog or PWM inputs for LED brightness transitions. The ALD6 has six outputsand each provide up to 50mA of constant-current drive to strings of LEDsconnected in series and/or parallel configurations for backlighting LCDdisplays. For a single-string LED configuration, the combined output current is300mA.

The ALD6 drivers operate with an input voltage offrom 10.8 to 13.2V dc and provide an output voltage of 25V to 38V dc. The singlepackage drivers are available in either DIP or SMD packages that measure about 23x 21 mm.

Other features include a Remote On/Off input and anLED Open Alarm that changes state if the drive current to any powered LED-stringdevelop an open circuit. These drivers are convection cooled and designed tooperate in ambient temperatures ranging from -30 up to +80C. The ALD6 canprovide 0 to 100 percent brightness control when an external PWM signal isprovided. The brightness will vary directly with the duty cycle of the PWMsignal. A combination of external analog or resistive and PWM dimming controlscan be accommodated.

The ALD6 Series are useful for backlighting LCD displays,panels used in vending machines, industrial touch screens, POS terminals andprogrammable controllers.
Multi-Output DC-DC Backlight LED Drivers

Multi-Output DC-DC Backlight LED Drivers

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