Motorized SplineRail Linear Actuator

DN Staff

November 11, 2010

1 Min Read
Motorized SplineRail Linear Actuator

The MotorizedSplineRail utilizes a Kerk precisionrolled lead screw, supported by bearings and contained within a concentricaluminum spline, driving an integrated Kerkite composite polymer nut/bushing. Theextruded aluminum spline offers torsional stability. Haydon Kerk says the KerKoteTFE coating and self-lubricating Kerkite nut/ bushing material ensures long lifeand zero maintenance. The motorized version of the SplineRail uses the HaydonSize 17 single stack or double stack stepper motor.

When mounted vertically, the SplineRail canalso be used to simultaneously lift and rotate (Z-theta motion). With one motordriving the screw and a second rotating the rail, a compact, self-supportingpick and place mechanism can be created. Screw leads are available from 0.05 to1.2 inch per revolution providing a wide range of performance profiles,including self-locking threads that can support a load without external poweror breaks.

Typical applications include pick-and-placemechanisms and robotic assemblies in life sciences instrumentation,semiconductor equipment, business machines, packaging and assembly, and a widerange of factory automation applications.

Motorized SplineRail Linear Actuator

Motorized SplineRail Linear Actuator

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