Yokogawa FAST/TOOLS R9.03 SCADA System
June 16, 2010
Yokogawa Electric Corp. announcedthe release of version R9.03 of the FAST/TOOLSweb-based SCADAsystem. Combining the latest web technology with exceptional quality hasresulted in the most advanced SCADA solution yet - one that is designed to meetthe latest engineering and maintenance requirements. Thirty years of projectexperience and innovation in the oil and gas, petrochemical, and powerindustries are the foundation for this next generation SCADA software.
The enhanced version of theFAST/TOOLS web-based SCADA system enables a new and innovative approach toremote engineering and maintenance, deploying process applications andmonitoring via web-based services. Its use of the latest technologies andweb-based architecture provides management and maintenance personnel easy andsecure access to their assets FAST/TOOLS has high-level system integrationcapabilities, facilitating ever more intuitive and advanced system deploymentand significantly reducing costs. Main Features Web-based maintenance,engineering, and application deployment
Remote asset management drivesdown operating costs and optimizes the sharing and exchange of information. Thelatest web technologies are incorporated in the Java-based FAST/TOOLSengineering and maintenance environment to enable access and execution withinstandard web browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox. This facilitatesaccess by the various start-up and design teams to the application and systemsoftware configuration, in a zero deployment and transparent manner. Theintegrity and confidentiality of process information is preserved. Java waschosen as it can be used with standard web browsers; it is architecturallyneutral and provides good support for superb graphics. Numerous benefits arederived from this concept including global access and sharing of data viacollaboration centers and other venues, allowing continuous applicationdevelopment and management to take place.
A commitment to security policiesthat are in accordance with corporate IT directives is the foundation for ourdevelopment activities that are targeted at achieving a secure deployment. Toenhance security, this system and its applications are hardened to preventfailures and protect against unauthorized access and use. A web-based serverand client architecture ensures easy remote access and facilitates thedeployment of security enhancements as well as graphics and applicationservices.
The new engineering andvisualization editor with an advanced sheet- and form-based environment allowsfor a conveniently arranged framework that tremendously reduces the amount ofwork required for engineering and visualization. The new and easy to work withenvironment combines the power of today's most sophisticated graphicalapplications in one easy to manage package. Dynamic layers and visibilitygroups enable multilevel processes and KPI monitoring and supervision within asingle operations architecture.
The new operator environment islanguage independent and can be triggered by login procedures and the like.
A comprehensive new plug-instructure that allows for excellent integration of new and existinginfrastructure, guaranteeing seamless vertical and horizontal integration.Capabilities such as soft-marshalling and the integration of FOUNDATION TMfieldbus device messages and information are setting the standard forOperational Excellence. This is both applicable for the Yokogawa product familyas well as an extensive list of third-party hardware and software products.
Process monitoring and assetmanagement in industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, chemicals, power,pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, food, iron and steel, waste, and water andwastewater treatment.
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