Haydon Kerk's Captive 19000 Series High-Resolution Linear ActuatorHaydon Kerk's Captive 19000 Series High-Resolution Linear Actuator
August 31, 2010

HaydonKerk Motion Solutions Inc. introduces its high-resolution 19000 seriescaptive linear actuator. This new 20 mm-diameter can-stack has a 7.5 degreestep angle resulting in smaller move increments and finer positioningability.
The Haydon High-Resolution 19000 Series is ahigh output, compact linear actuator ideal for precision motion applicationsrequiring a small footprint.
The 19000 Series high-resolution linearactuator is the newest addition to a larger family of 4th generationhigh output linear actuators. Technical enhancements include optimized statortooth geometry, high-energy neodymium magnets, custom-engineered plastics, andlarger ball bearings for greater rotor support for maintaining accuracy andrepeatability over a long life.
The high output can-stack line provides highforce-to-size ratios and is ideal for a variety of applications includingprecision medical equipment, scientific instrumentation, scanning devices,printing equipment, advanced optics, and other mechanisms requiring high forcein a small package size.
Haydon Kerk's Captive 19000 Series High-Resolution Linear Actuator_A
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