
DN Staff

November 4, 2002

9 Min Read


According to the company, the Sun Blade(TM) 2000 workstation holds the industry floating point record. Made to improve productivity, it includes 64-bit architecture, dual 1.05 GHz UltraSPARC(R) III CU processors, high-end 3D visualization capabilities, and the Solaris(TM) 8 Operating Environment. The workstation is suited for applications needing high-end multiprocessing and large expansion capabilities, as in electronic design automation, mechanical computer-aided engineering/design, scientific research, and defense/government organizations. Sun Microsystems, Enter 611

Product lifecycle management

CATIA V4 STI enables users to manage and share CATIA V4 product design data company-wide throughout the entire product life cycle. The integration and management of CATIA V4 data in SMARTEAM permits users to work in a mixed CATIA V4/V5 environment that streamlines the transistion toward CATIA V5. Both CATIA V4 and V5 data are stored in a single, secure database model and can be used for digital mock-up (DMU) reviews. SmarTeam Inc., Enter 612

Automotive simulation

V12.0 of the ADAMS product line can simulate a functional digital engine, and is available in three modules: ADAMS/Engine Advanced Cranktrain, Engine Gear, and 3D Road. The advanced crank-train module can incorporate components into system-level engine virtual prototypes, while the Enginer Gear module can incorporate gears in an engine simulation. The 3D Road module enables vehicle engineers to model three-dimensional road profiles. MSC.Software, Enter 613

Harness design

HarnessLink(R) v2.3 is wire harness design automation software with a viewer utility that enables on-the-fly generation of logical and physical schematics. The software's use of text entry allows the user to manage product option and harness variants, while allowing data reuse and maintaining integrity. Applications include designing, engineering, and manufacturing wire harnesses. Altair Engineering Inc., Enter 614

CAD software

CADKEY Workshop Version 20 software package can edit plain geometry files exported by non-parametric feature-based systems because its core is pure geometry. Pure geometry combines solid, surface, and wireframe modeling techniques, and allows complete control of geometric shape creation and editing without proprietary "smarts" (constraints, history) dependencies. Applications include design tooling, machinery, molds, and complex machines. CADKEY Corp., Enter 615


The Presario 2800 notebook comes with Mobility Radeon 9000 graphics technology, geared toward 3D gaming and video-intensive presentations. The notebook can connect to the Internet using a wireless 802.11b or Bluetooth Multiport module. The Mobility Radeon 9000 supports high-level graphics effects written into the current version of DirectX programming instructions, multiple displays, and Fullstream technology. Hewlett Packard, Enter 616

CAM software

HyperFACT V6 computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software uses feature recognition and pre-defined machining macros to generate the necessary toolpath and NC code automatically, and display them on screen for acceptance or modification. The CAM software has 2.5D and 3D features and machine simulation capabilities for component and mould/die manufacture. Direct interfaces for third party CAD systems are available as well. Open Mind Software Technology, Enter 617

Project collaboration service

Autodesk Streamline 4 online project collaboration service offers reportedly better access to AutoCAD data, communication tools for project collaboration, and visualization tools. Autodesk allows for direct publishing from AutoCAD software and helps teams keep track of all information related to one design by keeping it in one container. The online project collaboration service also features texture maps that lets users identify part materials. Autodesk Inc., Enter 618

Analysis tool

COSMOS/Works 7.0 analysis tool for SolidWorks(R) users features bearing loads on cylindrical faces, remote loading, and symbols for body loads. Other features include thermal contact resistance, automatic mesh and run option, support of orthotropic materials, dynamic graphing while probing, and customizable reports. HTML documentation and tutorials are available online. Structural Dynamics Research Corp., Enter 619

Computing clusters program

The High-Performance Computing Clusters (HPCC) program consists of PowerEdge servers and validated software packages that are available in 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, and 128-node configurations. The program combines a large number of individual, standards-based servers to function as a single system allowing it to handle compute-intensive applications. Applications include scientific and engineering research, and financial modeling for Linux-based systems. Dell Computers, Enter 620

Simulation tools

The visualNastran V5i family gives CATIA users integrated, scaleable access to the company's simulation tools. These products enable design engineers to answer product performance questions as a design is developed. The visualNastran V5i family includes the Nastran Generative, Nastran Gateway, Generative Thermal, Dynamic Designer, and the STEP AP209 Gateway. MSC.Software, Enter 621

Simulation software

The Mechanical(TM) is a structural/thermal simulation software package that includes a complement of non-linear and linear elements and material laws ranging from metal to rubber. Fundamental matrix coupled-field studies are also provided to help give an understanding of how models react to certain phenomena. The software is suitable for determining stresses, temperatures, displacements, and contact pressure distributions. Ansys, Enter 622

Design system

The PS-Electrode automated electrode design system allows users to obtain the electrode design they require. The design system allows for more complex designs to be produced in instances where more work is required than extracting data directly from the tooling model. PS-Electrode allows the user to combine different sections into a single electrode and add extra geometry to that electode. Delcam, Enter 623

Design tool

OneSpace Designer 2002+ is a collaborative 3D design tool designed to increase productivity and decrease product development cycles. The design tool includes five modules to help in the product development process: Design Simplification, Model Manager, 3D Inspection, Drawing Manager, and Personal Collaboration modules. Applications include inspection and technical documentation. CoCreate Software Co., Enter 624

CAD application

OneView 6.0 is a view and measure application for CAD data that features an interface that includes a pull-down menu system for experienced users and a "tab-based" interface that logically groups software functions together for less-experienced users. The application supports 3D data distribution and supports the ANSI Y14.41 standard for distributing 3D annotated data. CAD Centric Systems Inc., Enter 625

Presentation program

The o2c_Interactive! 3D viewing and presentation program allows anyone to explore multiple design scenarios in 3D on the fly, using the highly compressed, Internet-deliverable o2c format. The o2c file format allows designers to edit materials and textures, batch process photorealistic images, and publish the results as an HTML file for presentation. The program has the ability to save and recall multiple schemes so multiple material finishes may be viewed in a presentation. DataCAD LLC, Enter 626

CAD software

XL2CAD 1.0 for Multiple CAD Engines creates an Excel spreadsheet in your CAD application using lines, fills, and text that can be changed plotted. It is reportedly highly portable for other users and supports AutoCAD R14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, and LT. General CADD, TurboCAD v8, and IntelliCAD 2001. Dotsoft, Enter 627

Modeling suite

The MarineSolutions is a data-centric, rule-based, integrated 3D modeling and 2D engineering software suite that streamlines shipbuilding processes with lower manpower requirements and materials costs. The software suite includes products built on IntelliShip software technology that features data re-use, global work sharing and distributed engineering, and lifecycle data management. MarineSoultions is suitable for ship design and construction applications. Intergraph Computer Systems, Enter 628


The Intel(R) Itanium(R) 2-based servers and workstations are designed for HP-UX, Microsoft(R) Windows(R), and Linux systems. Servers include the HP Workstation zx2000 Itanium 2-based 900 MHz uni-processor workstation with 2D and 3D AGP graphics; HP Workstation zx6000 for a uni- or dual-processor 900 MHz or 1 GHz workstation with 2D and 3D AGP graphics; the HP Server rx2600, which supports up to 2 processors, 900 MHz and 1 GHz; and the HP Server rx5670 four-way, entry-level server. Hewlett Packard, Enter 629

Analysis software

DAQLab(TM) is a software package that collects, analyzes, and displays engineering data for scientists and engineers. The software monitors events in your system, retrieving data within 2 to 3 ms of the triggering event and storing it to disk. The display function converts raw data to engineering units, statistically analyzes both current and archival data, and displays the results. DAQLab runs under Windows(R) 98/NT4/2000 Pro/ME/XP. CyberResearch Inc., Enter 630

PDM software

Thinkteam is a PDM (Product Data Management) software package that allows the organizing, capturing, and sharing of product information such as standard documents, components, part numbers, bills of materials, and active projects. Features include a thinkparts Manager, WebTeam option, Product Browser, and a Product configurator that automates repetitive tasks involving the creation and management of product families. think3 inc., Enter 631

FEA software

ABAQUS(R) 6.3 is a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software program for solving problems in nonlinear analysis and offering tools for advanced linear and dynamics applications, as well as finite element modeling and post-processing. The software simulates the performance of components, materials, and products subject to environmental and operational loading conditions. Applications include drop-test and impact simulations. Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen, Enter 632


The ProLiant DL580 server is reportedly the first to offer Hot-Pluggable Mirrored Memory protection, allowing for continuous operation without service intervention. Available with the Intel(R) Xeon(TM) processor MP platform, it provides the maximum computing power for a 4-Way, density- and rack-optimized server. The ProLiant DL580 features Integrated Lights-Out technology for standard Web browser operation without requiring server contact. Hewlett-Packard Company, Enter 633

Product development software

The Teamcenter(TM) Aerospace and Defense 2.0 software enables the digital product development process and reportedly reduces the cost of creating products over the Internet. Software includes the Document and Data Management feature so users can update any sheet within a drawing, while the Teamcenter automatically updates the revision of the cover sheet. A Web-browser interface is also featured. EDS, Enter 634

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