Texas Instruments' ADS5400Texas Instruments' ADS5400
April 10, 2010

The ADS5400 is the industry's first 12-bit, 1-GSPSanalog-to-digital-converter (ADC) with buffered input to help simplify analogfront-end design in wide-bandwidth applications such as wirelesscommunications, defense, and test and measurement equipment. The ADC's 12 bitsof resolution combined with a 1-GSPS sampling rate effectively doubles theamount of signal bandwidth that can be captured in a single 12-bit ADC. TheADS5400 offers the highest SNR (59.1 dBFS), SFDR (75 dBc) and SINAD (58 dBFS)available for systems digitizing greater than 200MHz of instantaneousbandwidth, while the user-selectable single- or dual-bus DDR LVDS outputsprovide designers flexibility to choose between I/O speed and pin-count.Customer's can use the ADS5400's ground-breaking combination of resolution,sample rate and bandwidth to significantly enhance applications in defense byimproving radar and signal intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities, and can doublethe capture bandwidth of signals with 12-bit resolution in test andmeasurement. In effect, customers can use the ADS5400 to create higherperformance solutions for critical applications that were unachievable withprevious A/D technology.
For more information: http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/ads5400.html
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