CEL's MeshConnect EM357 ModuleCEL's MeshConnect EM357 Module
October 22, 2010
Designed for ZigBee Pro applications, the module runs the full ZigBeePro software stack and Smart Energy profile, enabling applications such assmart meters, smart grid, building automation, remote control and HVAC. Withits strong transmit power, the new module delivers superior range and performance even compared toother Ember-based modules. At +20 dBmpower output, the new MeshConnect module provides extended range measured inmiles, better in-home penetration for smart meters and overall increased linkreliability for all devices.
The MeshConnect EM357 module includes on-boardexternal flash memory to enable over-the-air software upgrades inthe field.
Mass production will be available in November 2010.
CEL’s MeshConnect EM357 Module_A
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