Aptina Imaging Corp.'s MT9M033
April 10, 2010
Designed withAptina patented Dual Conversion Gain (DCG) technology and multi-exposure HDR(High Dynamic Range) imaging techniques, the MT9M033 HD megapixel image sensoruniquely offers both HDR and excellent low light sensitivity for digital cameramanufacturers. DCG technology allowsprogrammable conversion gain adjustment globally across all pixels to match theoverall light level in the scene automatically in day or night mode. Whencoupled with a true correlated double sampling technique, this new HD imagesensor can achieve a low read noise of <2e- rms and leading-edge quantumefficiency of more than 60 percent-unachievable by conventional CMOS imagesensors today. Today, high-definition (HD) video has become the prevalentviewing standard. However, capturinghigh-quality 60 frames per second (fps) HD video in all lighting conditions -ranging from very high-contrast to very dark scene - with low-power consumptionis extremely challenging. Historically,megapixel sensors could provide HDR or excellent low light sensitivity, but notboth. With recent sensor developmentsfrom Aptina, camera designers no longer need to compromise between performance,HDR, and low-light sensitivity to create a true HD camera. Aptina implemented a multi-exposure techniquethat increases the dynamic range by 25 percent over typical high contrastscenes and insures that one can take a good picture in any lighting condition.Comparatively, the conventional lateral overflow method, divides the pixelfull-well into multiple parts, limiting light collection. Aptina's systemallows complete utilization of each pixel's full well capacity, making thismulti-exposure method far superior in terms of controlling blooming. Addressing motion artifacts that typicallyplague the market's HDR cameras, Aptina added special readout and processingschemes to the MT9M033 to eliminate this problem.
For More information: http://www.aptina.com/products/image_sensors/mt9m033c12stc/#overview
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