Absolute Single and Multiturn EncodersAbsolute Single and Multiturn Encoders
September 10, 2009

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Anew family of Sendix F36 singleturn and multiturn optical encoders from KueblerGmbH implements an OptoASIC and new scanning capabilities to boost absoluteencoder performance. Intelligent Scan TechnologyTM is key to whatthe company says is the first fully optical, absolute multi-turn encoder thatdoesn't utilize mechanical gears or magnetic sensors.The ASIC used in the design isable to monitor position without using gears to mechanically drive the codedisks, or magnetic sensors to count the rotations and calculate the position ofthe encoder. Eliminating the gears helped streamline the diameter of theencoder and reduce costs by as much as 15 percent.
The multi-turn version has a resolution of up to41 bits, and can track up to 16 million revolutions. Precision optical sensors usedin the single-turn absolute encoder offers a resolution of up to 17 bits.
Eliminating mechanical parts improvesperformance, reliability and has allowed Kuebler to make the encoder smallerthan others currently on the market. Hollowshaft diameters are available up to 10 mm, even though the diameter of theflange housing is only 36 mm.
The sturdy bearing structure ofthe unit's Safety LockTM design accounts for two-thirds of the total depth ofthe encoder, and allows for use of larger bearings with longer life and betterresilience. Two bearings are interlocked together with the housing and spacedapart to redistribute stresses created by shaft loading. The radial loadcapacity is 40N and the axial load is rated at 31N at the end of the shaft.
A key to the product is the number of available options,and the ability to specify either shafted or hollow shaft designs. The F36absolute encoder is offered in both metric and English shaft sizes, and standardinterface options including SSI/BiSS and CANopen. Additional incremental outputs, SinCos or RS422, supply the system with high resolution feedback in real time.
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