Gadget Freak Case #161: Golfers Go Green with Envy
March 23, 2010
Why putt golf ballsinto a paper cup when you can have your own variable-terrain putting green? Thiscourse designed by Mark Giannasi, Aaron Gaylord, Brody Collins, Thomas Boileauand Maiki Vlahinos offers players three cups and three skill levels. The mostadvanced level raises two platforms that change the terrain of the course - andthe challenge that golfers face. But even with only three "cups," youcan still shout "Fore!"
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Gadget Freak Case 161 Golfers Go Green with Envy
Amt | Part Description | Allied Part # |
3 | PIC16F88 Microcontroller | 383-0496 |
2 | PIC16F884 Microcontroller | 383-1232 |
7 | Switch, SPDT Leaf Lever (Used for wedge position sensors & cup trigger sensors) | 821-0482 |
1 | Switch, SPST (Power on) | 821-0563 |
1 | Keypad, 12 digit | 948-0014 |
4 | Relay, DPDT, 3A, 12V | 886-2250 |
4 | TIP3055 Power Transistor | 568-1031 |
13 | 2N3904 NPN Transistor | 411-0029 |
1 | 2N3906 PNP Transistor | 568-0293 |
7 | 0.1muF Capacitor, 50V | 852-1170 |
17 | 1KO Resistor 1/4W | 296-4741 |
37 | 330O Resistor 1/4W | 296-4764 |
10 | LED, High Intensity, White | 749-3330 |
7 | LED, Red | 405-0011 |
4 | LED, Yellow | 405-0137 |
16 | LED, Green | 405-0017 |
1 | LF356N Op-Amp, JFET Input | 288-0356 |
1 | Pinned Photo Cell | 980-0010 |
3 | Solderless Breadboard | 237-0015 |
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