Milestones in Microprocessor DevelopmentMilestones in Microprocessor Development

This timeline traces the development of the microprocessor, the key electronics device that enabled the development of the PC.

Spencer Chin, Senior Editor

August 30, 2022

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Intel's 8086 processor is the foundation for the microprocessors in many of the PCs introduced from the early 1980s on.Image courtesy of David J. Green - technology / Alamy

Many of the improvements in the speed and computing ability of today’s PCs and embedded systems can be traced to the microprocessor, which has evolved from the 4-bit devices in the early 1970s to today’s 64-bit devices and multi-core processors. Microprocessors, which contains the arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry required to perform the functions of a computer's central processing unit, have benefitted from trends such as greater chip integration and the implementation of multiple-core architectures. Microprocessors have enabled the dramatic leaps in high-speed PCs, servers for vast communications networks, and are driving applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The companies that have played a part in the microprocessor revolution are a who’s who in electronics history, including Texas Instruments, Intel, AMD, and Motorola.

The following gallery traces some key milestones in the rich history of the microprocessor.

Spencer Chin is a Senior Editor for Design News covering the electronics beat. He has many years of experience covering developments in components, semiconductors, subsystems, power, and other facets of electronics from both a business/supply-chain and technology perspective. He can be reached at [email protected].

Related:Microprocessor Suppliers Ramp Up Performance As Demands Grow

About the Author

Spencer Chin

Senior Editor, Design News

Spencer Chin is a Senior Editor for Design News, covering the electronics beat, which includes semiconductors, components, power, embedded systems, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and other related subjects. He is always open to ideas for coverage. Spencer has spent many years covering electronics for brands including Electronic Products, Electronic Buyers News, EE Times, Power Electronics, and electronics360. You can reach him at [email protected] or follow him at @spencerchin.

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