Hot Spots in Cyberspace 7836Hot Spots in Cyberspace 7836
October 1, 2001

Limitless searches
If online searches for 'screws' turn up those inappropriate websites your boss shouldn't know about, then you haven't been using the Design News search engine. Powered by Google, the function allows users to search Design News magazine, or Manufacturing.Net, where the results stem from other technology-related magazines. If you do intend on getting those "non-technology-related" search results, then search the entire web using Google. Whichever way you choose, Design News won't let you down. A recent search on 'screw' turned up a standard news feed article on a new screw system that offers better bone integration capacity; a product write-up in the latest issue of Design News; and an archived Design News article on choosing the right fastener. Check out
How do you rate?
The 2001 Fuel Economy Site ( provides information and tips regarding fuel emissions, gas mileage, and new technologies. Check out how your vehicle rates in fuel economy, simply by entering the year and make. You're in luck if you drive the Honda Insight or Toyota Rav4 Ev, designated the best gasoline (hybrid) and electric vehicle, respectively. The site also includes advanced technology information, including future technology, which provides a glimpse into what drivers can expect to motor around in.
Go Speedracer, go
No matter what your engineering background may be, the Build Your Own Race Car! website ( is designed to offer race car design guides and useful tips for automotive novices and veterans alike. The site includes an outline of the design process, as well as a parts checklist, and considerations such as durability, safety, cost, and performance. Whether it's a stock car you're working on, a go-cart, or an electric-vehicle racing car, you may also access information on sanctioned design rules and design software.
Virtually 'beeming'
What's the latest form of advertising? Just ask BMW. At, the company uses product placement in short 5-10 minute films directed by some big name Hollywood directors. The films are designed to give viewers an inside look at the latest BMW models. Complete with car chases that flaunt the vehicles' handling, the site also allows viewers to access technology information about the cars. Be sure to check out Guy Ritchie's "Star" for a rare glimpse of a familiar face.
Crashes caught on camera
For those who want to save the "curiosity factor" for the cube instead of the road, check out Truckcrashdotcom ( The site provides images of truck jack-knives, pile-ups, and tip-overs, often with explanations of the accidents. The "Other Crashes" section includes car rollovers and collisions. Lest you think the site is all doom, it does offer trucking safety information and tips.
Driving Electric Avenue
AC Propulsion's tzero, due out in 2002, will have the claim to fame of being one of the most efficient cars, as well as one of the fastest accelerating ones. Powered electrically, it moves from 0 to 60 mph in 4.1 seconds, and can maintain 60 mph for 100 miles. Click on the tzero icon at to access detailed features and images of the car. The site also includes videos of the tzero racing-and beating-a Ferrari F355 and a Porsche Carrera 4. For those seeking more than images, the site offers technology white papers and information on the company's drivetrains.
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