Cyberpage 27527Cyberpage 27527

DN Staff

June 23, 1997

3 Min Read

Smart semiconductor search accessible

Want to simultaneously query the web sites of major semiconductor vendors? Then you'll want to check out Smart Semiconductor Search at A search queries only the web sites dealing with semiconductors. The search engine is from Electronics Search FAQ, which explains and identifies sources of information.

Fingering prints for verification

A new website from PrintScan International Inc. ( offers an interactive tour of the company's patented software for fingerprint verification and identification. When you visit the site, you can take a technical tour that shows the type of minutiae extracted and used to provide information on the core system software and see how to calibrate the way a fingerprint is captured.

Supply Chain Link Editor's Choice awards presented

The Supply Chain Link presented its first annual MM Editor's Choice web awards at National Manufacturing Week. The winners were: Best web site for a product manufacturer: Dupont ( web site for an automation or computer hardware/software company: Intergraph ( Best web site for a distributor, reseller, or service center: EMJ Metal ( Best site for a research facility or university: Argonne National Laboratory ( Best web site for an association or technical society: Water Environment Federation (

Safety is as safety does

Safety Link ( offers access to the world's product safety approval test labs, standards bodies, and government links. The site is broken down into Product Safety Resources, which include test labs from around the world and standards associations; Safety Articles, Essays, FAQs; Telecommunications Resources Worldwide; EMC/EMF/RFI Resources; Ergonomics and Occupational Health Resources, Quality and Environmental Resources; Newsgroups; and several Internet search engines.

Hubba Hubba Hubble

Check out the latest pictorials of our favorite universe at the Space Telescope Science Institute site, You can see the aurora of Jupiter, dust storms at the Martian north pole, the heart of a dying star, Hale-Bopp observations, and galaxies with suspected central black holes. The site is an archive of public photos from 1995 to 1997. Photos from the last shuttle service call are also available.

What's up in flexible cable?

Check out the flexible-cable options available on Olflex Wire and Cable Inc.'s interactive website at The site describes the company's cables, accessories, and their uses, and allows users to fill out a request form for custom-designed cable.

Manufacturing Marketplace named outstanding web site

Design News has walls full of awards. Now Manufacturing Marketplace, the home site of Design NewsOnline, has won a major award -- Outstanding Web Site as selected by Webcrawler. "A business super site," the Webcrawler award noted. And this backs up what our Design News readers have told us via e-mail: helps engineers do their jobs. If you haven't done so, please take a couple of minutes and look at the site. And if you've visited the site in the past, but haven't seen our new, user-friendly home page, come back. Not only does offer thel atest and back issues, but you can read news from Lexis-Nexis witharticles of interest to design engineers, industry news, and new products,updated regularly.

More links are something nearly every webhead loves. We found a site specifically for engineers that can link you to bulletin boards, databases, electronic journals, chat sites, or software repositories.

Internet Connections for Engineers (ICE) ( is maintained by Cornell University and has an extensive catalog of Internet-based engineering resources.

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