Zero-Max Offers Zero Maintenance Bearings for Schmidt Offset CouplingsZero-Max Offers Zero Maintenance Bearings for Schmidt Offset Couplings

DN Staff

August 27, 2010

1 Min Read
Zero-Max Offers Zero Maintenance Bearings for Schmidt Offset Couplings

Zero-Max'ssealed bearing coupling feature forSchmidt Offset Couplings incorporate needle bearings with internalmicro-poly lubrication. There are no lube fittings making for a cleanercoupling setup.

SchmidtOffset couplingsprovide precision for parallel offset shafts, and transmit constant angularvelocity and torque in a wide range of parallel shaft misalignments. They areused in a variety of machine applications such as printing, embossing, paperconverting, pharmaceutical and automated assembly systems.

Compactin design, the couplings keep out contaminants and foreign matter, enabling thecouplings to be used in less than ideal operating environments.

SchmidtOffset couplings are designed to handle high amounts of parallel offset up to17 inch and are available with torque capacities up to 459,000 inch-lb. Theyimpose no side loads on shafts or bearings and eliminate radial shaftvibrations.

Zero-Max Offers Zero Maintenance Bearings for Schmidt Offset Couplings

Zero-Max Offers Zero Maintenance Bearings for Schmidt Offset Couplings_A

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