Fairchild Semiconductor Corp.'s FSEZ1307Fairchild Semiconductor Corp.'s FSEZ1307
April 10, 2010

The FSEZ1307 is athird-generation Primary Side Regulation (PSR) PWM controller combination powerMOSFET providing several features to enhance the performance of low-powerflyback converters. The proprietary TRUECURRENTTM topology, enables precise CCregulation and simplified circuit design for battery-charger applications.Using the FSEZ1307 results in a lower cost and lighter charger compared to aconventional design or a linear transformer. To minimize standby powerconsumption, the proprietary green mode provides off-time modulation tolinearly decrease PWM frequency under light-load conditions. Green mode assiststhe power supply in meeting power conservation requirements. By using theFSEZ1307, a charger can be implemented with few external components andminimized cost. In charger applications, designers have been challenged tolower standby power and achieve higher efficiency, all while reducing the formfactor of their designs. Currently in these applications, RCC or other ICsolutions are used, with varying degrees of success. With the broadestportfolio of PSR PWM Controllers in the industry, including the FSEZ1307 PSR with High Voltage (HV) startup andintegrated MOSFET, Fairchild can simplify designs, save board space and meettoday's demands for power savings.
For more information: http://www.fairchildsemi.com/pf/FS/FSEZ1307.html
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