Brushless motors withstand autoclaveBrushless motors withstand autoclave

DN Staff

February 7, 2000

1 Min Read
Brushless motors withstand autoclave

Micro Mo Electronics' 12 and 24V dc autoclavable motors are the first units available in case diameters from 0.63 to 1.38 inches (16, 20, 24, 30 and 35 mm), says the company.

"Designers of operating room equipment, instruments, drills, and other hand-piece devices have few choices when it comes to autoclavable motors. Most have limited torque and low power outputs," says Steve O'Neil, vice president of advanced research and planning at Micro Mo Electronics. "We're now offering a wide selection that accommodates many types of medical equipment as well as environments in process industries where steam and humidity are present."

Sterilization tests performed on the motors involved temperatures up to 277F with water vapor pressure of 2.1 bar. The motors operate in 100% humidity in 20-minute cycles, including 3 minutes of live steam, for a minimum of 100 cycles. Temperature-resistant plastics, proprietary lubrication systems, and protected coils all withstand autoclave conditions.

All motors are capable of bi-directional operation and are suitable for either closed-loop or open-loop operation. Mechanical time constants are as low as 10 ms.

Additional details...Steve O'Neil, Micro Mo Electronics, 14881 Evergreen Ave., Clearwater, FL 33762; (800) 807-9166; FAX: (727) 573-5918.

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