Siemens Unveils Integrated Automation SolutionSiemens Unveils Integrated Automation Solution
April 21, 2009

Hannover, Germany -- At the Hannover Fair this week, integration isemerging as a theme − from cable carrier systems to new motor and drivecombinations.
Siemens Energy &Automation introduced a compact controller solution composed of the SimaticS7-1200 Controller and Simatic HMI basic panels that can be programmed withStep 7 Basic Engineering software.
"In the past, designers hadto use separate engineering packages, which meant they had to constantly switchback and forth between the PLC, HMI and drive," says Siemens' Mike Krampe. "Now theycan program in single environment, saving time in the development process."
Krampe pointed to thedrag-and-drop feature, saying it makes it simple to make changes to anypart of the system while keeping the data consistent throughout. The integratedcapabilities also allow users to modify or expand production lines more easilythan in the past.
The S7-1200 compactcontroller features built-in Ethernet, high speed motion control and onboardanalog I/O, plus HMI panel connectivity, saving space and reducing the need foradditional hardware.
Siemens Unveils Integrated Automation Solution A
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