ProSense line expands with Thermocouples, RTDs and Extension Wire 16215
November 30, 2010
Thermocouple probes with connection heads feature castaluminum NEMA 4 screw covers with captive gasket and stainless steelchain. The quarter inch diameter probes areavailable with temperature sensing ranges of 32 to 1,330F (Type J) or 32 to1,700F (Type K). Welded-style probes, in 6, 12 and 18 inch lengths, arebendable to adapt to installation requirements; spring-loaded probes areavailable in 4, 6 or 12 inch lengths. Prices start at $42.00.
Thermocouple welded and spring-loadedprobes with half x half inchhex nipples allow easy replacement of existing probes and easy connection towiring junction boxes. Available in 6, 12 or 18 inch lengths, the quarter inchdiameter welded style is bendable to adapt to installation requirements, whilethe spring-loaded style provides positive tip contact in thermowells. Pricesstart at $33.75.
Available thermocouple probes with pre-attachedplugs feature 1/8 or quarterinch diameter sheaths in 6, 12 or 18 inch lengths; thermocouple probes withlead wire transition come with a six-foot heavy-duty lead wire. Temperaturesensing ranges are 32 to 970F or 32 to 1330F (Type J) and 32 to 1700F (Type K).Prices start at $17.25.
Type J or K thermocouple adjustableimmersion sensors, ideal forplastics processing applications, feature a 32 to 900F temperature range and 4,6, or 10 foot lead wires; the spring and armor adjustable styles allow forvariable immersion depths. Adjustable immersion sensors start at $16.00.
Bolt-on ring sensors are ideal for nozzles, extruderbarrels, die heads, molds and other surface-mount sensing applications.Thermocouple bolt-on ring sensors with a 32 to 900F temperature sensing rangestart at $15.25; RTD bolt-on ring sensors with a -58 to 572F temperaturesensing range are available for $54.00.
RTD probes feature ¼ inch diameter stainlesssteel sheaths with 100 ohm platinum three-wire elements. With a temperaturesensing range of -58 to 572F, the probes are available in 6, 12 or 18 inchlengths. Models available include welded and spring-loaded probes with castaluminum NEMA 4 connection head and captive gasket, three quarter inch NPT conduit openingand stainless steel cover chain; probes with half x half inch hex nipples areavailable in welded and spring-loaded styles, allowing for easy replacement ofexisting probes and connection to wiring junction boxes. Also available areprobes with pre-attached three-pin plugs for quick and easy wiring connection,as well as probes with lead wire transition or M12 connections. RTD probesstart at $29.00. RTD thermowells are available for use with certain probes,starting at $23.50.
ProSense RTD sanitary Clean-in-place probes are designed to meet the stringentrequirements of HTST pasteurization systems. These 4-inch probes are availablein the standard quarter inch diameter or with a 3/16 inch diameter reduced tip forgreater durability in high-viscosity applications. The stainless steel probeshave a -58 to 400F temperature sensing range. Clean-in-place probes start at$89.00.
Two-conductor thermocouple extensionwire for types J andK, in standard ASTM/ANSI colors, are available in convenient 50 and 100 footlengths starting at $15.00. Also available is RTD extension wire which offerssuperior performance compared to "off-the-shelf" cable. Starting at $21.00, thethree-conductor wire is available in 50 and 100 foot lengths.
ProSense line expands with Thermocouples, RTDs and Extension Wire
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