Modular machining systemsModular machining systems
April 22, 2002

FLEXDRILL center uses stock components to standardize single purpose machine tools. |
Unpredictable markets and cost pressures can turn customer focus towards flexible, rather than single-purpose, machining solutions. Why not retool the original investment to address other automation needs later on?
The FLEXDRILLcenter machine concept encourages this thinking. Based on standard stock components, the system permits any number of machine tool set-ups. Users may select individual components at a fixed price and build their own FLEXDRILLcenter, or send part drawings for a concept layout and quotation.
Suhner Industrial Products; Box 1234, Rome, GA 30162-1234; Tel: (706) 235-8046; Fax (706) 235-8045; E-mail: [email protected].
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Submit your ideas and rough drawings for this section to John Lewis, Designer's Corner, Design News, 275 Washington St., Newton, MA 02458
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