LightTools Enhances Lighting Design Capabilities for the Development of Luminaires

DN Staff

December 6, 2010

2 Min Read
LightTools Enhances Lighting Design Capabilities for the Development of Luminaires

Synopsys Inc.'s LightTools is a 3D opticalengineering and design software product that supports virtual prototyping,simulation, optimization and photorealistic renderings of illuminationapplications and LightTools version 7.1 now delivers new analyticalcapabilities that speed the development of luminaires, particularly for generallighting and automotive applications. New user interface features maximizedworking area and flexibility to help boost designers' productivity throughoutthe design and verification process.

LightTools 7.1 adds support for IES photometry types A and Bfor orienting intensity data for both far-field and surface receivers. Thissimplifies the analysis of sources with non-rotationally symmetric output, suchas automotive headlamps, tail lamps and interior lighting. LightTools 7.1contains a utility for automatically generating photometric reports in thestandardized IES format; IES Indoor, Flood and Road Report types are allsupported.

A new analysis feature in LightTools 7.1 lets userssuperimpose illuminance data on any user-defined plane in the 3D model, helpingthem quickly understand the shape and orientation of the distribution across areceiver relative to the model geometry.

A new CIE color difference capability provides a mechanismfor calculating and optimizing spatial or angular color differences in asystem. This analysis is useful for designers whose goal is to produce an evencolor distribution across an entire display, for applications ranging from flatpanel displays and projectors to display backlights and LED-based luminaires.

Improvements to the user interface in LightTools 7.1 providenew ways to organize and maximize desktop workspace. Specifically, 3D designviews and analysis charts are now presented in tabbed or floating windows. Thisgives users the flexibility to make a 3D view as large as desired while stillhaving rapid access to other windows via tabs. Dialog boxes, such as Propertiesand Preferences, can be moved outside the LightTools window to a secondmonitor, if available.
LightTools Enhances Lighting Design Capabilities for the Development of Luminaires

LightTools Enhances Lighting Design Capabilities for the Development of Luminaires

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