Haydon Kerk's New Line of High Output Can Stack Stepper Motor Linear ActuatorsHaydon Kerk's New Line of High Output Can Stack Stepper Motor Linear Actuators
August 24, 2010

HaydonKerk Motion Solutions Inc. now offers an entire line of high output can stacklinear actuators. The Haydon(TM) line of high output can stack actuators includethe 20, 25 and 35 mm frame sizes.
The Haydon high output linearactuators were designed and built with performance and durability in mind. Technicalenhancements include optimized stator tooth geometry, high energy neodymiummagnets, custom engineered plastics, and larger ball bearings for greater rotorsupport for maintaining accuracy and repeatability over a long life.
The high output can stack lineprovides high force-to-size ratios and is ideal for a variety of applicationsincluding precision medical equipment, scientific instrumentation, scanningdevices, printing equipment, advanced optics and other mechanisms requiringhigh force in a compact size.
The linear actuators are availablein a variety of resolutions (linear travel per step). There are threeconfigurations available offering a variety of stoke lengths including captive,non-captive and external linear.
Haydon Kerk's New Line of High Output Can Stack Stepper Motor Linear Actuators_A
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