Free E-Book: The Landscape of Industrial Manufacturing and Warehouse RobotsFree E-Book: The Landscape of Industrial Manufacturing and Warehouse Robots

It's cobots 101: In this e-book we're going to clear up the differences between traditional manufacturing robots and collaborative robots.

Ann R. Thryft

February 14, 2019

1 Min Read
Free E-Book: The Landscape of Industrial Manufacturing and Warehouse Robots

 The Collaborative Robotics Laboratory at Southwest Research Institute features safe work areas where engineers develop advanced capabilities for “cobots” that can be ported to larger industrial robots. (Image source: Southwest Research Institute)

Most market analysts agree that collaborate robots (cobots) are the fastest growing segment of industrial robotics. The rise of cobots represents a dramatic shift for many industries -- not to mention traditional robots. 

In this Design News e-book we're going to clear up the differences between traditional manufacturing robots and cobots working with humans on the factory floor and in warehouses, including industrial mobile robots. We look at differences in the robots themselves, as well as the different jobs for which they're used, as well as the real impact cobots are having. 

Click below to download the full eBook.


Ann R. Thryft has been writing about manufacturing- and electronics-related technologies for 30 years, covering manufacturing materials & processes, robotics, single-board computers, machine vision, embedded devices, and all kinds of datacom and telecom.

About the Author

Ann R. Thryft

Ann R. Thryft has written about manufacturing- and electronics-related technologies for Design News, EE Times, Test & Measurement World, EDN, RTC Magazine, COTS Journal, Nikkei Electronics Asia, Computer Design, and Electronic Buyers' News (EBN). She's introduced readers to several emerging trends: industrial cybersecurity for operational technology, industrial-strength metals 3D printing, RFID, software-defined radio, early mobile phone architectures, open network server and switch/router architectures, and set-top box system design. At EBN Ann won two independently judged Editorial Excellence awards for Best Technology Feature. She holds a BA in Cultural Anthropology from Stanford University and a Certified Business Communicator certificate from the Business Marketing Association (formerly B/PAA).

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