E-SystemDesign's Sphinx Version 2.0E-SystemDesign's Sphinx Version 2.0

DN Staff

April 9, 2010

1 Min Read
E-SystemDesign's Sphinx Version 2.0

Sphinx is a co-simulator for Power and Signal Integrity atthe package, board and system level. Itsunique algorithms allow larger designs to be analyzed with the accuracy of full3D solvers. This allows users to havethe best of both worlds: accuracy offull 3-D solvers with the performance of fast solvers. All analysis is performed in Frequency Domainand users can view Frequency Responses (Z, S, or Y) parameters, as well asVoltage Distribution. As geometries continue to shrink, discontinuities play alarger role in the analysis. Current generation analysis tools do not correctlyaccount for wrap around currents (WAC), return path discontinuities (RPD),aperture coupling and gap fields. E-SystemDesign's intuitive GUI reduces thecomplexity engineers deal with when using similar products. Combining these capabilities with supportinglarge design with accurate results is a big improvement for design engineers.

For more information: http://www.e-systemdesign.com/products.aspx

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