Beckhoff Automation's PC-based Solar Tracking SoftwareBeckhoff Automation's PC-based Solar Tracking Software
August 27, 2010

Beckhoff Automation's TwinCATSolar Position Algorithm library permits the exact calculation of sunangles anywhere in the world at any time, without the use of sensors.
This TwinCAT solution is ideal for parabolicmirror and photovoltaic systems as well as for other solar power plant designsthat automatically track the sun's position for optimum utilization of thesun's rays. The control algorithm, which calculates the zenith and azimuthangles of the sun with a precision of plus or minus 0.001 degree, can also be used for otherapplications such as in building automation or with wind turbines for shadowflicker calculations.
The TwinCAT Solar PositionAlgorithm software library enables high-precision determination of sun anglesand the times for sunrise, solar noon and sunset year-round. The calculation ofsun angles with the TwinCAT library requires the specification of the date,time and exact longitude and latitude of the location (e.g. through a GPSsystem). Depending on the required precision, the algorithm can take intoaccount additional parameters such as the time zone, the height above mean sealevel, the slope of the ground or the orientation of the object, as well as theair temperature and pressure, which influence atmospheric refraction.
Areas of application for theTwinCAT Solar Position Algorithm include parabolic mirrorsystems that focus mirrors of several meters in diameter and track the sun withgreat accuracy in order to focus the sun's rays in an ideal focal point. Thisrequires high-precision measurement of the sun angles. Photovoltaic, CSV andCSP installations that track the sun position also operate on this basis.Another area of application for this solution is in building automation, wheresensors alone are no longer sufficient to adequately deal with shading of largebuilding facades. The Beckhoff software can also be used for exact calculationof shadow flicker from wind turbines, which is to be avoided in populatedareas. The results allow individual turbines to be switched off if necessary.
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