Bal Seal to Launch First Contact System with Integrated Isolation SealsBal Seal to Launch First Contact System with Integrated Isolation Seals
August 25, 2010
Bal Seal EngineeringInc. has confirmed it has set a date of Oct. 13, 2010 for the officialrollout of its SYGNUS™ Implantable Contact System, which combines electricalcontacts and isolation seals in a standardized, platform-ready "stack" configurationto provide a turnkey connecting solution for implantable devices used incardiac rhythm management, neuromodulation and neuro sensing therapies.
According to Bal Seal, the new SYGNUS system pairs thecompany's Bal Conn™ electrical contact technology with pre-tested siliconeseals, resulting in an "all-inclusive package" engineered to help large andsmall device OEMs improve speed to market and eliminate the need forprocurement and testing of individual components.
Bal Seal said the number of contacts and seals in the SYGNUSsystem will be configurable to meet unique application and industryrequirements, such as the IS4 standard for cardiac health management devices. TheCanted-coil™ spring contact design will offer multi-point conductivity and lowinsertion force, and will compensate for any surface irregularity. The system'ssilicone seals will provide dielectric isolation, and the combined stack willoffer resistance to long-term material adhesion and potential fatigue caused bymultiple lead insertion cycles. Contacts in the stack will be force andresistance tested, and sealing components will be packaged to critical cleanstandards.
Click here to watch a video of the SYGNUS Implantable Contact System.
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