X-ES' Two-Slot Conduction Cooled 6U VPX Development PlatformX-ES' Two-Slot Conduction Cooled 6U VPX Development Platform

DN Staff

August 25, 2010

1 Min Read
X-ES' Two-Slot Conduction Cooled 6U VPX Development Platform

ExtremeEngineering Solutions (X-ES) is shipping from stock the XPand1010, atwo-slot 6U VPX (VITA 46) conduction-cooled chassis. The chassis providessystem engineers with an inexpensive 6U VPX desktop or lab bench platform tojump-start software or hardware development when using X-ES Freescale- orIntel-based CPU boards.

The XPand1010 allows customers toutilize fully rugged, conduction-cooled cards in a small footprint, low-cost developmentchassis. Customers can then install those same 6U VPX cards intodeployable ATR or similar chassis with no changes to the 6U modules. Thisis in contrast to the traditional model of development for conduction-cooledsystems, in which early work is performed using non-rugged, air-cooled cardsthat are mechanically and thermally incompatible with the final deployedsystem.

The XPand1010 hosts up to two 6U VPXconduction-cooled cards, providing fabric interconnect between the two slots,as well easy access to Gigabit Ethernet, SATA, USB, DVI and serial port I/Ofrom one or both of the installed 6U VPX SBCs. The XPand1010's designeliminates card cages, rear transition modules and large noisy fans typicallyfound in air-cooled development chassis.

The complete XPand1010 developmentsystem includes a backplane with integrated I/O connectors, conduction coolingsystem, and power supply. Priced at $3,295, the XPand1010 is availableimmediately.

X-ES' Two-Slot Conduction Cooled 6U VPX Development Platform

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