Techline Mfg.'s Snap Track Cable TrayTechline Mfg.'s Snap Track Cable Tray
April 10, 2010

Techline developed the Snap Track Cable Tray in response torepeated requests for a complete cable tray system designed for limited-widthrequirements of instrumentation data cable. Snap Track was designed to providethe ease of installation and the economy of wire basket, while retaining thestability and inherently superior cable protection of traditional raceway. SnapTrack is based on the feedback from numerous leading instrument manufacturers,engineers, integrators, contractors and network cable providers to create acomplete UL Classified cable tray system. Snap Track is designed to beinstalled without nuts, bolts or tools. This is accomplished by using itspatented "Push Pin" technology. The system is available in 2-, 4- and 6-inchwidths, with load bearing tests that are twice those of most traditional trays.It was designed with cost-savings in mind and offers customer and industry theability to install cable tray in a fraction of time compared to traditionaltrays. Using the patented "Push Pin" technology, inward C-Configuration andslide-in fittings, Snap Track offers the quickest installation and highestlevel of cable and wire protection, according to the company.
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