Swagelok® FKB Series Medium-Pressure Ball ValveSwagelok® FKB Series Medium-Pressure Ball Valve
April 10, 2010

Medium-pressure ball valves are incorporated into panels orskids for topside control of subsea systems in the oil and gas market,including wellhead control and chemical injection panels. Pressurizedsubstances in these applications are often flammable, so leakage is to beavoided. The SwagelokA(R) FKB series medium-pressure ball valve sealsand reseals reliably for leak-tight performance across the entire pressurerange, up to 15,000 psig (1034 bar), required for these systems. The valve'sbottom-loaded stem eliminates blowout and increases operator safety. The stemand end connection seals help prevent shell leakage and provide robust cyclelife even in severe conditions. Traditional medium-pressure ball valves areprone to leakage across the seat and body leakage to atmosphere, especiallywhen pressure is being built up slowly after a valve has been cycled. Whileother designs will likely leak following actuation, the FKB series valveprovides consistent sealing across its entire pressure range due to a patent-pending"direct load" technology that uses upstream system pressure on one step in theseat carrier and springs on a second step to maintain a leak-tight seal. Apositionable handle provides flexibility in component layouts, helpingengineers overcome design issues in tight spaces and reduce system footprints.FKB series valves have a proven high cycle life far exceeding the 300 cycles aball valve typically endures over a chemical injection skid's 20-year life. Ina third-party test simulating conditions on a methanol injection skid for deepwater exploration, the valve completed more than 4,000 cycles without failure.Swagelok medium-pressure tube fitting end connections on FKB series valvesprovide robust tube grip on the hard SAF 2507 tubing commonly used in subseasystems. Two case-hardened ferrules in the end connection protect the fittingfrom vibratory stresses and provide a secure grip to allow for the valve'srated working pressures.
For more information: www.swagelok.com/valves/ball_valves/medium-pressure-ball-valves.htm
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