Southco Control Hinge Also CounterbalancesSouthco Control Hinge Also Counterbalances

DN Staff

September 10, 2009

1 Min Read
Southco Control Hinge Also Counterbalances

Golden Mousetrap 2009 Winner

Golden Mousetrap 2009 Winner logo

The Southco ST-12C is the only standard position control hinge to offer counterbalance capabilities. The counterbalance design requires less effort to move heavier objects as compared to friction-only hinges. As a result, it's easier for equipment operators to lift and position hinged components. Applications include display screens, doors, access panels and other movable components in consumer, medical equipment, transportation and industrial machinery applications.

The ST-12C features multipleoptions for counterbalancing torque and the ability to embed hinges withproduct housings for flexibility, desirable aesthetics and reliable physicalperformance. It provides +90 degrees of rotation in each direction for a full180-degree range of motion, enabling design engineers to satisfy a variety ofmounting and positioning angles. It requires no adjustments, fits in minimalspace and easily integrates into aesthetic product designs. It provideslong-term reliability - and resultant cost savings - because the hinge is madewith zinc alloy housing with hardened steel shaft, pin and torque elements.

A counterbalancing springprovides lifting assistance to minimize the weight felt by users. Each hingefeatures constant torque technology to hold the hinged component steady in anydesired resting position throughout the complete range of hinge motion. Bycombining both lifting and positioning in the same unit, the ST-12C eliminatesthe need for a secondary mechanical device to hold an object in place. Theengineers primarily responsible for the design of the product are John Todd,Eugene Novin and James Baylouny.

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