Renishaw's RESOLUTETM Absolute Optical Encoder SystemRenishaw's RESOLUTETM Absolute Optical Encoder System
April 10, 2010

A high performance, absolute linear, rotary or angle encodersystem comprising two parts, a RESOLUTETM"readhead" and either a linear, rotary or angle "scale." The "readhead" is thefirst to use high speed digital camera technology coupled with high speed DSPprocessors allowing very high surface speeds (up to 37,000 rpm to 100 m/sec),significant dirt immunity, extremely fine angular, linear accuracy andresolution. RESOLUTETM is intended for use in semiconductor, flat-panel, medicaland astronomy systems as well as lower end motion control stages and motors.RESOLUTETM has been designed to offer very high levels of data integrity, safetyand accuracy. It allows design engineers a single absolute encoder platform forlinear, rotary or partial arc motion. Design allows for far larger alignmenttolerances than ever offered due to single track absolute code and a patentedtaper mount to allow bearing wander to be cancelled. Excellent dirt immunitydue to digital camera scale code recognition. Resolution is available up to32bits (4,294,967,292 counts per rev) or down to 1 nm (0.000001 mm) for linear.Readhead design and electrical communications are the same (internal to thereadhead) regardless of resolution or configuration, absolute positionavailable immediately on switch on, no battery backup is required.
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