New Handheld XRF AnalyzerNew Handheld XRF Analyzer
August 16, 2010

Bruker Elemental has introduced the S1 Turbosdr handheld XRF analyzer for in-situ measurement of heavy metals and other restricted materials. The S1 Turbosdr’s elemental chemistry reports were designed to provide results for many types of restricted materials screening, including all RCRA pollutant metals. Bruker notes that the S1 Turbosdr is portable (2 kg) and the analyzer can easily be taken to the job-site rather than collecting samples and transporting them to the laboratory. The S1 Turbosdr is GPS compatible to allow for mapping the results.
The tool uses X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) for testing of heavy metals at contaminated sites. According to Bruker, the key to the success of the S1 Turbosdr handheld XRF analyzer is Bruker’s XFlash Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) technology, which offers count rates and resolution superior to alternative SiPIN detector technology. The large solid angle and the high count rate capability of the industry-leading XFlash SDD allows the user to take full advantage of the fluorescent radiation emitted from the sample, resulting in lower detection limits and shorter measurement times.
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