Linear Technology's LTC2655Linear Technology's LTC2655
August 4, 2010

LinearTechnology Corp. introduces the LTC2655,a quad voltage output 16- and 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) familywith internal reference and I2C interface. The LTC2655 DACs achieve16-bit performance of +4LSB INL maximum over temperature, a factor offour better than the closest 16-bit quad competitor. The LTC2655 offers thelowest offset error +2mV (max) and lowest gain error 0.1 percent (max), acombination that ensures the device retains accuracy near the supply rails andprovides users with a wider effective output range. The LTC2655's precisionspecifications make it ideal for multichannel, open- and closed-loop systems.Applications include mobile communication, instrumentation, process control andindustrial automation, automated test equipment (ATE) and automotive systems.
The LTC2655's integrated reference achieves 2ppm/C typical and 10ppm/C maximumtemperature coefficient. It is offered in small 20-pin 4 x 4 mm QFN and 16-pinnarrow SSOP packages, providing space savings in densely packed circuit boards.AC performance of 9.1us settling time for a half-scale step and <1nV- scrosstalk results in minimal disturbance between DAC channels. The LTC2655operates from a single 2.7 to 5.5V supply and communicates via a 2-wire I2Ccompatible interface at up to 400kHz.
The LTC2655 offers a wide range of options to meet application-specific requirements.Designers can choose between 16- or 12-bit resolution and an internal 1.25 or2.048V reference, which produce a full-scale output voltage of 2.5 or 4.096V.Alternatively, an external reference up to half the supply voltage can be usedfor rail-to-rail operation. The LTC2655 includes a hardware option to power upthe DAC outputs at zero-scale or mid-scale, allowing more flexibility fordesigns that cannot be forced to ground when power is applied. The device alsoincludes a hardware load-DAC (LDAC) pin, three address pins for selecting 27unique I2C addresses or 1 global address, and a REFLO pin.
LTC265516-bit and 12-bit DACs and demo boards are now available. Pricing begins at$5.04 each for the 12-bit options and $12.29 each for the 16-bit options in1,000-piece quantities.
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