LeCroy's WaveMaster 830 ZiLeCroy's WaveMaster 830 Zi

DN Staff

April 10, 2010

1 Min Read
LeCroy's WaveMaster 830 Zi

The LeCroy WaveMaster 830Ziis the first and only oscilloscope to achieve a real-time bandwidth of 30 GHz,the highest real-time bandwidth available in the world. This oscilloscopeprovides engineers dealing with jitter, serial data integrity, and other highfrequency test challengesa sampling rate of 80 Gigasamples/second on two channels, and a maximumacquisition memory of 512 Megapoints/channel so they can verify theirhigh-speed designs with confidence. The WaveMaster 830 Zi de-embedscables and test fixtures, emulates serial data channels, and simulates serialdata receiver equalization even at the highest sampling speeds of 80Gigasamples/second. Seniorlevel design engineers who verify, test and debug serial buses of 3Gb andabove, working with the highest speed serial data standards, such as SAS/SATA6, PCIe Gen3, HDMI 1.3, and USB3,need speed and efficiency. Exceptional instrument responsiveness, 10-100 timesfaster processing throughput, large 15.3", 16:9 high-definition touchscreen display, and both 50 I(C) / 1 MI(C) input capability provide deeper insight,faster debug, and more efficient validation. The digitizing system in the 830Zi utilizes LeCroy's patented DigitalBandwidth Interleaving (DBI) technology. The advantage of this method is thatthe front-end amplifiers are always operating comfortably in their ratedfrequency range, and there is no impact on electrical noise or signal fidelity.Thus, the basic 16 GHz bandwidth performance of the signal conditioningcomponents can be increased to 30 GHz while maintaining the highest signalfidelity and noise performance. Sample rate and memory are likewise doubled.The bandwidth, sampling rate, and a deep acquisition memory enable large blocksof data to be acquired in real-time, allowing signal processing and detectionof the data bits and computation of bit error ratios.

For more information: http://www.lecroy.com/Oscilloscope/OscilloscopeSeries.aspx?mseries=45

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