KD Scientific's Legato 100 Syringe PumpKD Scientific's Legato 100 Syringe Pump

DN Staff

October 18, 2010

1 Min Read
KD Scientific's Legato 100 Syringe Pump

The Legato 100 has a wide flow raterange from 1.28 to 88.28 ml/min and any type of syringe from 0.5 ul to 60 ml canbe used in the unit including stainless steel, plastic or glass. The syringesare held in place by KD Scientific's new clamping mechanism designed to holdthe syringes securely in place and has an accuracy of +/-0.5 percent and areproducibility of +/- 0.05 percent.

Thelarge color display allows the user to see all the pumps operatingparameters to ensure proper operation during the experiments. Syringe size andflow rates are easily displayed as well as the volume delivered and the elapsedtime.

The Legato 100 can be used in flowcytometry, electrospinning, mass spec calibrant delivery, microfluidics,neuroscience applications and more.

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