Cymbet Corp.'s EVAL-11 EnerChip RF Induction Charging KitCymbet Corp.'s EVAL-11 EnerChip RF Induction Charging Kit

DN Staff

August 25, 2010

1 Min Read
Cymbet Corp.'s EVAL-11 EnerChip RF Induction Charging Kit

This kitis an easy way for electronics designers to experiment with near field RF (RadioFrequency) charging of EnerChip CC rechargeable solid-state energy storagedevices.

TheEVAL-11 kit includes an RF charging transmitter board, a USB cable to power thetransmitter board from a PC, and an EnerChip CC CBC3150-based receiver board.The receiver board has a connector for a Texas Instruments eZ430-RF2500Twireless network endpoint device. This combination enables designers toexperiment with the concept of RF Induction charging for wireless sensor nodes.

Cymbet Corp.'s EVAL-11 EnerChip RF Induction Charging Kit

Cymbet Corp.'s EVAL-11 EnerChip RF Induction Charging Kit_A

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