Anritsu's VectorStar Vector Network AnalyzerAnritsu's VectorStar Vector Network Analyzer
April 10, 2010
VectorStar features a completely new platform that utilizesa new innovative architecture. It offers a new performance benchmark forS-parameter measurements of RF, microwave and millimeter-wave devices, allowingfor the broadest frequency sweep from a single coaxial test port in a singleinstrument, covering 70 kHz to 70 GHz. For applications from 70 kHz to 2.5 GHz, a mixer-based receiver withbridges for directional devices is used. Above 2.5GHz, a harmonic-samplingreceiver is incorporated, with the traditional couplers for directionaldevices. Since the couplers are not taxed by extending to low frequencies,available power is not traded for frequency coverage, resulting in superiordynamic range. VectorStar now provides RF and microwave engineers a powerfulmeasurement tool for performance analysis of devices ranging from transistorsin an on-wafer environment to communication systems in commercial/defenseapplications. Unlike other analyzers where speed compromises accuracy and tracenoise, the VectorStar's unique design architecture minimizes trace noise byusing a more coherent Source/LO pair. The result is ultra-low trace noisewithout having to increase IF filtering, which slows the sweep speed. Speed isnot limited to just the display. Users can quickly download data to yourexternal database while moving on to the next device to maximize throughput. With a starting frequency as low as 70 kHzand a stop frequency of 20, 40, 50 and 70 GHz, VectorStar provides the broadestfrequency coverage available. VectorStarcan also address the needs of the ultra broadband community with the capabilityof spanning from 70 kHz to 110 GHz in a single coax connector.
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