Gadget Freak Case # 169: IR Remote Control Toggles AppliancesGadget Freak Case # 169: IR Remote Control Toggles Appliances
August 13, 2010

Bill Bowden asked, "Why not use a standard infrared remotecontrol from a TV, DVD player or cable-TV box to control other things?"So, Bill's Gadget Freak project does just that. His infrared (IR) receiverdecodes the signals from remote controls and uses the data to individually turnon or off four circuits via an isolated relay circuit. Bill tested his circuitwith more than 25 types of remote controls. Let's just say, "Click on,click off."
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Gadget Freak 169 - IR Remote Control Toggles Appliances_A
Amt. | Description | Part # |
4 | Relay, 5V dc, SPST, 200O | 686-0269 |
4 | 2N3904 Transistor | 411-0029 |
1 | PIC 12F629-I/P Microcontroller, 8-Pin DIP | 383-0287 |
1 | 330O 1/4W Resistor | 296-4764 |
1 | 10O 1/4W Resistor | 296-4739 |
1 | 1.5KO 1/4W Resistor 1/4W | 895-0540 |
1 | Red LED | 505-0180 |
1 | 5V dc, 600 mA Regulated Power Supply | 928-9997 |
1 | 0.1 muF, 100V Capacitor | 852-1193 |
1 | 10 muF, 16V Capacitor | 613-0077 |
1 | PICKit 3 Debugger/Programmer | 383-2348 |
4 | 1N4148 Diode | 411-0008 |
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