Insulate Yourself from the Shock of Electrifying Puns at The Battery ShowInsulate Yourself from the Shock of Electrifying Puns at The Battery Show
Even an online gathering of engineers and scientists is no protection from terrible puns.

Anticipation for The Battery Show has people wound up, so much so that they've sadly resorted to making shockingly terrible puns about the subject matter, like the technical evaluation of the Tesla Model Y's Octovalve. Naturally, it is our job to share the pain, so we're listing some of the attempted humor, along with the names of the perpetrators here, and we invite you to compound the misery with your own contributions in the comments section.
Robert Kilpin opined that there is "sure to be some highly charged debates over the pros and cons of battery power."
Terry Watters noted that surely, "some views will be positive, some negative."
The show promotor joined in, observing that it "seems like both of you are pretty amped up for The Battery Show. We sure hope we sparked your interest and that you registered for what is sure to be a powerful event! Let us know watt questions you have."
Steve Hall thought that the show looks so promising that "hopefully they will cell more of these in the upcoming years."
By now, you are surely charged up enough to shock people with your own electrifying puns, so please post them in the comments. And bring them with you to The Battery Show!
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