Siemens' HD3D environment in NX 7.0 CAD/CAM/CAESiemens' HD3D environment in NX 7.0 CAD/CAM/CAE
April 10, 2010

HD3D unitesthe data in Teamcenter with the 3-D models in NX to provide a simple andintuitive way to collect, collate and visually present PLM information in the CADenvironment, enabling engineers to quickly analyze a wide variety of productdevelopment parameters and make better design decisions faster. The HD3D environmentenables engineers to visually comprehend PLM data through interactivenavigation and the ability to drill down as needed. Through color-coding,on-screen tagging and legends, the HD3D user can "see" important data such asparts that are behind schedule, supplier related data, or recent designchanges, allowing for fast assessment and interpretation. HD3D allows design teams to instantly gather requested PLM data andvisualize its impact directly within the context of the 3-D design, resultingin a level of insight that produces better decisions faster, enhancinginnovation and reducing time to market. HD3D removes this time consumingprocess and delivers a highly visual interactive 3-D environment that displaysany type of PLM data in the context of the CAD model. The data can be colorcoded and tagged to support informed visual analytics and rapid decision makingwith a higher level of confidence.
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