Do You Design in the Cloud (or Know What That Means)?

Richard Nass

December 10, 2012

3 Min Read
Do You Design in the Cloud (or Know What That Means)?

So often these days, we hear about software, tools, and even hardware vendors releasing products that allow designers to build products in the cloud. That sounds intriguing, doesn't it? Well, not for me. To be honest, I'm not sure what that means, so I put this question to our loyal reader community: When you hear "design in the cloud," what does that mean to you?

The first response came from Michael Grillo:

I think you will find that you will be sharing your design on a single platform from a single port where others have access. Your desktop or server becomes the link through the Internet and you operate from the same portal as others. We have been on the cloud in our business for some time and there are slight differences and noticeable functional changes, advantages, and disadvantages. But like any other tool or program, it just takes a while to get familiar with the inner workings. One thing for sure is don't forget to save your changes often. There is no recovery in the data entry area for a quick back-up button like you might find in the program you are working with -- you make a change in some areas and it is changed. Security and speed has been what was promised.

Not fully understanding, I asked Grillo what exactly was promised by the concept of cloud computing. His response was this:

In our industry, we have to maintain strict confidence and information. Access to our files is limited to the standard passwords and usernames but there are also firewalls in place to keep others out. We have not had a breach or even attack on the files because they are also stored differently than each server or desktop. When using the cloud, storage of information is broken down into blocks and fields so there is a security in the fact that data is stored in a separate area than where other information is stored.

He also told us:

All this is great; but if you have the password and the username you would then have the access; which makes the security issue one still at the individual level. I am not sure one can get away from the person who does not guard the password and username, or one that would want to steal a design and/or let someone else view the information. I am sure hackers could get into the cloud just as they could your server. They have knowledge, ability, and time, but the storage does make it more difficult to find and assimilate the information. Firewalls can work, but again the weakness is down at the employee level.
The bottom line is that we have not experienced a problem as of yet. We have been on the cloud two years going on three.

And from reader Andy Braverman:

From my perspective as a product development consultant, when a client asks for a "design in the cloud," from their perspective it means they don't want any physical hardware to buy and maintain. They simply want a solution that can be addressed via a Web interface with all the "hardware" housed and maintained somewhere where they don't have to worry about it.

Readers, how would you answer this question? Tell us in the comment section below.

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