11 Reasons Steve Jobs Wouldn't Be Happy With Apple11 Reasons Steve Jobs Wouldn't Be Happy With Apple

If he were still alive today, Steve Jobs wouldn't be all that pleased with some of the ways that his company has been thinking different.

Brian Dipert

November 16, 2016

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11 Reasons Steve Jobs Wouldn't Be Happy With Apple

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The iPad Pro's "Pencil"Back in 2010, during the introduction iOS 4, Steve Jobs made it abundantly clear what he thought of the detachable styli then found in other manufacturers' PDAs, phones and the like:"If you see a stylus, they blew it."But in September of last year, Apple rolled out the 12.9-inch "Pro" iPad variant, complete with an optional $99 stylus...sorry, pencil. Since then, the company's done its own double-downing, subsequently expanding the accessory's applicability to the smaller 9.7" iPad Pro version, and even incorrectly-or-not recently alluding to upcoming iPhone support for the dread accessory.Stylus...pencil...paraphrasing a well-known saying, you say "tomayto", I say "tomahto", but we're both talking about a tomato...or a stylus, as the occasion calls for. Steve would not be pleased.(image source: By Brett Jordan (https://flic.kr/p/Bj2oVu) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons) 

In some respects, Apple has become a very different company in the years since Steve Jobs' passing, with a much larger employee count, not to mention much higher revenue and profitability. In other respects, it doesn't seem very different, with only a single new significant product line (the Apple Watch) new to the portfolio since then. But I'm fairly certain that were Jobs still alive today, he wouldn't be at all pleased with some of the ways that his company is "thinking different"...assuming, of course, that he was solely an observer and wouldn't have had an active hand in ensuring that these particular transformations never occurred in the first place.

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