Get Ready for the Autonomous Vehicle Image Gallery
January 8, 2007
Get Ready for the Autonomous Vehicle: Image GalleryFull Story >> &previous |play | stop | next>& Since your web browser does not support JavaScript,here is a non-JavaScript version of the image slideshow:In 2005, five autonomous vehicles successfully traversed DARPA's 132-mile desert course, setting the stage for robotic vehicle technology in the future. (Photo courtesy of Standford University)Standford engineer David Stavens: “Certainly within 20 years, and maybe even in 10, we will have autonomous cars capable of driving reliably on any kind of road.”Stanford engineers used machine learning algorithms to teach “Stanley” how to recognize obstacles.In a seven-hour, 200-mile endurance run before the race, Carnegie Mellon’s Sandstorm hit a peak speed of 54 mph.Solar cells atop the Team Gray vehicle kept it cool and provided extra current for the electrical system.Team Terramax’s 30,000-lb Oshkosh truck traversed the 132-mile course in 12 hours, 51 minutes.
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