A trip to Bologna, Italy should include making time to stop by the Automobili Lamborghini headquarters in Sant’Agata Bolognese for the opportunity to visit the company's museum located there.
Currently, the museum's first floor is a tribute to the company's 60th anniversary, with a row of Lamborghini models from the 1960s and '70s.
Upstairs, you'll find the more modern supercars that are the focus of our slide show.
While the museum is small and focuses on a single boutique carmaker, attendance first topped 100,000 guests per year in 2017.
And while zoomy cars might have a masculine image, the Lamborghini Museum sees more than 35 percent women among its visitors.
Dan’s coverage of the auto industry over three decades has taken him to the racetracks, automotive engineering centers, vehicle simulators, wind tunnels, and crash-test labs of the world.
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